How can your mystery shopping programme be more cost effective but still provide valuable insight? 

Many businesses invest in mystery shopping as a tool to evaluate customer experience. Mystery shopping is a [...]

Do your team feel safe in their working environment?

In light of COVID-19, businesses are having to put measures in place for the safety of their [...]

How will customer service be measured alongside social distancing?

Customer service is still at the forefront of everyone’s mind, even during these unprecedented times. How businesses [...]

5 reasons your Bar or Restaurant will benefit from Mystery Shopping

If you are the owner of a bar or restaurant, you’ll understand just how important it is [...]

2020-01-25T19:50:20+00:00January 25th, 2020|Categories: cx, Hospitality, Mystery Shopping, Retail|Comments Off on 5 reasons your Bar or Restaurant will benefit from Mystery Shopping
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