What is Call Scoring?

In a call centre or customer service environment, call scoring helps organisations ensure that their agents are providing a consistent and high-quality service to their customers.

Brand standards audit

By listening to recorded calls or monitoring live interactions, supervisors or quality assurance teams can assess various aspects of the conversation and assign scores accordingly. These aspects might include:

1. Script Adherence

Whether the agent follows the company’s prescribed script or guidelines during the call.

2. Customer Satisfaction

How well the agent addresses the customer’s needs and concerns, and whether the customer is satisfied with the interaction.

3. Communication Skills

The clarity, tone, and overall communication skills of the agent during the call.

4. Product Knowledge

How well the agent demonstrates knowledge about the company’s products or services.

5. Problem Resolution

How effectively the agent resolves any issues or problems raised by the customer.

6. Empathy

The agent’s ability to understand and empathise with the customer’s situation.

7. Up-selling/Cross-selling

If applicable, how well the agent handles opportunities to up-sell or cross-sell products or services.

8. Compliance

Whether the agent follows legal and regulatory requirements during the call.

Each of these criteria can be assigned a certain weight or importance, and the agent’s performance is evaluated based on these criteria. Call scoring is often used as a tool for coaching and training agents to improve their performance. Agents can receive feedback on their calls, highlighting both their strengths and areas that need improvement. This process can lead to better customer experiences, increased agent performance, and ultimately improve business outcomes.

Some companies manage their call scoring internally, however if you don’t have the resource to manage this, companies do outsource this activity to a research agency to allow for a non-bias opinion of the calls being reviewed, click here to find out more.

Talk to the team at My View Research to find out how we can create a bespoke call scoring programme for your business! Complete the form below and we’ll be in touch!

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