here are lots of benefits of carrying out surveys with your staff. You may feel this can be a little daunting, but ensuring you are clear on what it is you want to find out, then a tailored survey has many positive outcomes. This includes:

  • Staff feeling cared about, valued and having a voice
  • Realising opportunities for growth
  • Frontline and service level views of your business
  • Some staff may be more comfortable to offer their thoughts anonymously

Improve employee engagement with surveys

By asking employees for their opinion, you give them the opportunity to feel heard. It may surprise you to hear that employees who do not take part in surveys can be 2.6 times more likely to leave your business in the next six months. Without measuring data or conducting surveys, how can you engage with all your people? How easy is it to get visibility of their valuable feedback and useful suggestions?

Support your employees at work

In a small business it is much easier to understand the challenges and issues that your staff are facing but in a larger business, or since the advent of Covid, teams have become fragmented. Although there has been a huge shift towards the use of virtual platforms such as Teams and Zoom for staff meetings, these will never be as valuable as direct feedback through direct surveys. When employees feel heard and supported, they voice their concerns freely and the payoff for your business can be increased retention and stronger performance

Transform feedback into growth

The results of your survey could help drive change or growth within your business. For example, if your employees indicate on a survey that they don’t have the right training or equipment to succeed in their role, you can put in place measures to react to these results and find a solution. This allows a business to invest in something that will improve productivity and boost morale, both critical for business success.

Striving for the same outcomes

It doesn’t matter what level your individual employees are at. Every one of them is a vital cog in your business, so seeking their views is important. You may be aware of the famous incident at NASA in 1962 when President Kennedy was visiting ahead of the first Moon landing. He walked over to a cleaner and asked what he was doing. The cleaner replied, “I am helping put a man on the Moon, Mr President”. How can a cleaner put a man on the Moon you may wonder? The cleaner knew his importance to that historic moment, without a clean building, the scientists and engineers could not do their job, the space equipment could be contaminated. He was just as important as everyone else striving for the same goal. The same can be said for your company, and your employees. picture.

Realise your company goals

You know where you want to take your business but as the saying goes, there is no I in team. It takes a cohesive group of people to realise your vision for your company and make it a reality. For a team to be working towards a goal you need to have strong communication. If, for example, you wanted to launch a new product or service, what better way to test the water than with your own team. The data you receive back could help you to mould the business and create a culture where people feel they are important, and at the same time, part of the bigger picture.